Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kegel Time

Entry 18
November 23

Do you know what kegel exercises are? Google it, you'll have fun.

Today was another adventure.  I went to a physiotherapy center for a pre-operation assessment of my pelvic floor muscles. The twenty-something physiotherapist was all business, making me more comfortable with the impending procedure. I assured her that I had been goosed so many times recently that I was fine with this, which was true. The pelvic diaphragm exam involved the physiotherapist inserting her fingers into my rectum for ten to fifteen minutes as I flexed my pelvic floor muscles for her to determine the muscle strength. I left there with a stack of brochures and other written instructions to remind me of what to do before and after the prostatectomy.

She also provided me with a list of food/drinks to avoid including some of my favorites.... spicy foods, chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol .... as they irritate the bladder.        

Eight glasses of water a day is okay, tho'.

Right now, back at home,  I'm about to stretch out on the floor to do the "kegels", twenty in a set with the first 10 contractions each held for 5 seconds followed by 10 rapid contractions. I have to do 2 sets like this in succession.  Twice more in the day, I have to repeat these forty contractions for a total of 120 a day.

1 comment:

  1. Harry and Margaret I know you've left no stone unturned. Go hereto audio resources for a bit of a laugh and Click on Ray Stevens' PSA song.:
