Saturday, February 19, 2011

Things I Can Control

Entry 38
February 19

Now that we know my prostate cancer is persistent in spite of the prostatectomy in December, we'll try to learn more about managing the disease with the aim of getting back to wellness. The prescribed hormone therapy will help.  I've been thinking more about some of the things I can control like staying fit, enjoying a little laughter and maintaining a proper diet. 

Nutrition and Wellness
The quotes below are from a fascinating TED video presentation at about when angiogenesis becomes pathologic. Thanks to Toni for pointing to it.
"When angiogenesis is out of balance it leads to a myriad of diseases. 70 major diseases all share abnormal angiogenesis as the common denominator." 
"Angiogenesis is a hallmark of every type of cancer."  
"We need to start asking, 'What can we do for ourselves?' " "There is a new future in the value of what we eat." "Can we eat to starve cancer? " 

"While biotech companies are beginning to rally around this idea, a growing body of research is showing that fruit and vegetables contain an arsenal of naturally occurring angiogenesis inhibitors. These include substances like ellagic acid (berries), resveratrol (grapes), curcumin (turmeric), ECGC (green tea), procyanidin (cocoa) and genistein (soybeans). Increasing the intake of these substances may prove to have antiangiogenic benefits, such as cancer prevention and weight reduction. Antiangiogenesis may be yet another reason why fruits and vegetables are so beneficial."

There is also a related interactive explanation of  tumor angiogenesis in 3D or HD  that we highlighted earlier in December.

Delicious TV (Vegetarian Episodes)
Foodily (Search Tool)


RehFit - My gym

Email contact: hdstimson @


  1. Harry; A little bit of laughter
    A Skeleton walks into a bar and orders Green Tea...............

    and a mop..............

  2. We use the Healthy Recipes site often. It's on the list of food sites in this entry . The recipe makeovers are esp good. The site and magazines are from Reader's Digest .
